Monday, September 28, 2020

How to Bead Hello Kitty Wallet (Written Pattern)


Disclaimer: This is not my own design. I just studied it to make.

Here's the video tutorial on Youtube for this wallet: It is in 4 parts so just click the next ones. 

MATERIALS: Nylon Monoline String 050mm, Acrylic Rough Beads (or Chalk beads) 6mm, (Red for bow, Fushia Pink for borders, White for inner parts, Black for eyes & Orange for nose), Scissors, Pin & Zippers

Suggested String Length: 1st cheek: 1 meter + 1/2 an arm 2nd cheek: 2 meters +   1 arm length

Dimensions: 3 1/2 inches wide & 2 1/2 inches in height

Note: It is done in two separate cheeks and connected on the sides and bottom along with the handle. It is 6 rows high.

So from here on we're gonna use symbols to simplify the instructions. Kindly refer to the following listed conversions to make the project:

R= Right String
L= Left String
S= Salikop
RB= Red beads
PB= Pink beads
WB= White beads
BB= Black beads
OB= Orange beads

1st Row
a. Put 2 RB on the L & 3 PB on the R then Salikop or S with a RB
("Salikop" is a tagalog term I frequently use for the project which means you need to insert your R going to the left and your L going to the right in just one bead aligning both ends of the string then sliding that one bead going to the rest of the beads, making sure both ends are of equal length completing the needed cluster)
b. Put 2 RBs in the L, & 2 RBs on the R, then S with a RB
c. Next Put 2 WBs on the L & 2 PBs on the R then S with a WB (Repeat these 3x)
d. For the last cluster of the 1st row Put 3 PBs on the R then S with a WB
(We will end up with 7 clusters for the 1st row)

2nd Row
a. To start the 2nd row hold the item so that the string are turned upwards. Work from the right going to the left. Put first 2 PBs on the R followed by a WB and then S with a WB.
b. Take your L insert it into 2 adjacent WBs, Put 2 WBs on the R & S with a WB. (Do these 4 more times)
c. For the 7th cluster of the 2nd row insert first the L to 2 adjacent RBs. Put 2 WBs on the R then S with a RB (this is a part od the bow)
d. To close the 2nd row insert L to 1 RB and then turn your work. Put 2 RBs on the R then S with a RB completing the bow part.

3rd Row
a. We'll start the third row with a cluster of 7. To do this insert first the L to 1  adjacent WB. Put 2 PBs on your R followed by 2 WBs then S with a WB
b. The next 5 clusters are all clusters of 6. So to continue on insert first your L thru 2 adjacent WBs. Put 2 WBs on the R & S with a WB ( Repeat these 4 more times)
c. The last cluster is also a cluster of 7. So insert first L thru 2 adjacent beads & turn your work. Put 2 PBs on the R & 1 WB on the L then S with a WB.
( Total of 7 clusters)

4th Row:
a. We'll start the 4th row with a cluster of 5. So put 2 PBs on the R followed by 1 WB & S with a WB
b. Then insert L to 2 adjacent beads. Put 2 WBs on the R & S with a BB (This is the  1st eye)
c. Next insert L thru 2 adjacent beads. Put 2 WBs on the R & S with 1 WB (Repeat these 2 more times)
d. Next, insert L to 2  adjacent beads. Put 2 WBs on the R then S with a BB (This is the 2nd eye). Make another cluster of 6 by putting 2 WBs on the R & S with  a WB
e. For the last cluster of row 4 insert first L to 1 adjacent WB & turn your work. Put 2 PBs on the R & S with 1 WB
(Total # of clusters = 8)

5th Row:
a. We'll start with a cluster of 6 for row 5. So insert first left string thru 1 adjacent bead. Put 2 PBs on the R followed by a WB & S with a WB.
b. Next, insert L thru 2 adjacent beads & Put 2 WBs on the R & S with a WB (Repeat one more time)
c. Next, insert L thru 2 adjacent beads. Put 2 OB on the R & S with a WB (This is the nose part)
d. Insert L thru 2 adjacent beads. Put 2 WBs on the R & S with WB (Repeat 1 more time)
e. Next, insert L thru 2 adjacent beads. Turn your work. Put 2 PBs on the R & S with 1 WB
(Total # of clusters = 7)

6th Row
a. We'll start the last row with a cluster of 5. Insert L to 1 adjacent bead. Put 2 PBs on the R & S with a WB
b. Next, insert L to 2 adjcent beads. Put 2 PBs on the R & S with 1 WB (Repeat 3x)
c. To finish the last row insert L to 2 adjacent WBs & S with 2PBs
(Total # of clusters = 6)

Fasten off by inserting 1st string into the made item for about 2-3 inches. Do this to the other end and cut string

Make a second cheek starting with the non-bow side using a string length of 2 meters and an arm long.

So start like this for the 1st row:
a. Put 2 WBs on L & 3 PBs on the R & S with a WB. Align both ends making sure they are of equal length. Put 2 WBs on L & 2 PBs on the R & S with a WB (Repeat 2x)
b. Put 2 RBs on L & 2 RBs on R & S with a RB (this is the bow part)
c. For the last cluster Put 3 PBs on R, 1 RB on the L & S with a RB

Row 2 for 2nd cheek:
a. Put 3 RBs on R & S with RB (This is a part of the bow)
b. Insert L thru 2 adjacent bead. Put 2 WBs on the R & S with WB (Repeat 5x)
c. For last cluster of row 2 insert to 1 adjacent bead first and turn your work. Put 2 PBs on R & S with WB.

Then repeat instructions of row 3-6 from the first cheek. 

Here's showing the # of clusters on the sides of the wallet and where to put the L and R string for the connection:

Connection of cheeks + Handle:
a. With left over string we can connect both cheeks but first insert L & R within the cheek part so that it will come out on the side part in between the 1st & 2nd row. Align both cheeks together. Make sure the bows are aligned. Then put 1 PB on the L & insert it to the 1st cheek (in between the 1st & 2nd row) and then salikop with 1 PB. Note: Make this part sturdy by taking 1 of the string and run it backwards to the made cluster in between the two cheeks.
b. Now it's just the matter of connecting both cheeks on the sides and bottom part. So, insert L to 2 adjacent beads from the 1st cheek and the R thru the 2 adjacent beads from the 2nd cheek then S with a PB. Do these to the rest of the following clusters until you reach the other end.
c. For the handle part you need to salikop on all 10 PBs. Then fasten off by inserting the first string to a series of beads inside the made wallet for about 2-3 inches and then cut it. Do this to the other end and you're done. All we need to do now is to sew a zipper to the wallet.

That's the end of this project. I hope you enjoy making them and Happy Beading everyone!


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